Not entirely sure what Geotrope was to be just yet, but the demo that was released suggests a Japanese Anime themed game. And an impressive little demo too.
Nothing of the game was included though, but some clues were given away on an archived copy of the Geotrope release page:
"What if the world you clung to was about to end?
What if you couldn’t remember why?
What if you couldn’t remember anything?
What would you do?
Find out fall 2005.
Download the introductory cutscene in .d64.gz
Geotrope features Nether G-II 3-D engine technology and uses Super Letter Box animation routines.
pucrunch routines appear courtesy Pasi Ojala. Music routines created with VoiceTracker."
So something which was to use the Nether engine, which was a Doom/Wolfenstein type engine – used ironically in a game called Nether which also never saw a release.
What happened to the game overall? …. do you know more?
Contributions: Kevin Tilly