Gotcha Maths

Channel 8

Status: Full Game, Findability: 3/5

Part of a series of unreleased games and programs by Channel 8 Software, ‘Gotcha’ Maths was one in a line of educational software releases (or as it is now, planned releases).

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As we have no idea of the content of the software, we can only presume it must have differed in format to Primary Maths and the released game, Maths Tutor, in some way.

As with all the rest we have no idea of why these games went unreleased, though for more posturing check the entry for Toddler Tutor!

Thanks to contributor Sean O’Neill, it has been confirmed that the game had a limited release and can be found here on Retro Collector.

Allan Pinkerton has kindly preserved the game himself and it can now be found here to download! We have also added the tape version, but sadly TAP 1 and 2 don’t seem to work properly due to deterioration. The disk version is here in full though.

Case closed!

Contributions: Peter Weighill, Allan Pinkerton, Sean O'Neill, Allan Pinkerton

Supporting content

Update history

  • 27/09/21 – Game preserved and added here thanks to Allan Pinkerton!
  • 16/03/21 – UK release confirmed and entry added. Yet to be preserved at this time.
  • 12/07/15 – Game confirmed as being released in the US by Comm*Data
Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 5 Comments
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5 Responses to Gotcha Maths

  1. I uploaded this to Frank on FB but FB kept deleting them when I logged off! So maybe I can Attach them to the E-Mail! So keep looking.

    TAP 1 and 2 don’t seem to work but TAP 3 and 4 do!
    Disk version is complete so you will have them!.

    • Hi Allan, my apologies – you did indeed send them through last year, but I didn’t attach Gotcha Maths to the actual page. Now fixed!!! Thank you so much and apologies for missing this one.

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