

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Gravity was strangely to be a game about Graffiti – but you wouldn’t have guessed it from the title! It was a title written by John Vanderaart – but are not sure who for!

The game was described by Dutch Magazine “Dossier Commodore” in early 1987 to be a graphic text-adventure which played in the future – where all walls are covered by Grafitti. You were a wandering spray which was hunting for the last piece of clean wall.

However, Ralph Egas confirmed to GTW64 that the game was not a text-adventure, but an arcade game – more akin to games like “Endless” and “Dr J” which John had written. Ralph however had never seen the game, but just heard about it from John.

Sadly John no longer has any of his C64 disks – so trying to find anything of the game could be very tricky. Ralph suggests that this game was never actually completed by John. We believe the title was never finished due to John deciding to leave the C64 market.

We hope to find out more soon, but this could be a tricky one to find! Can you help us?

Contributions: Paul Koller, Ralph Egas

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