Hangman’s Hazard

Darkside Software

Status: Full Game, Findability: 2/5

Hangman’s Hazard was being sold as a word game with a twist in a 1992 issue of RUN magazine from the US. The game was sold on disk, but it seems that this is one that didn’t sell that well.

It was being pushed in particular as being a title suitable for parties and get togethers due to the oversized graphics in the game.

For years there was nothing of the game preserved, and initially Craig Colab (creator of the game) got in touch with the following to say:

“I was super-impressed that you made an effort to puzzle out what the game might be like, with it’s claim of “oversize graphics”. I would like to tell you more about it, since it is – as a Canadian reviewer stated – “The one that tops all the others!” In the realm of hangman-based games, of course.

Anyway, I will probably have the time tomorrow to put together an informative email and some screen shots. Since I only sold about two dozen copies thru mail order, Hangman’s Hazard probably does qualify as a GTW.”

We sadly didn’t hear any more from Craig, but luckily in June 2015, the game was recovered by Moloch and released by Triad from a very rare copy. The inlay was also preserved, and we have added the scan here.

Many thanks to Moloch for the heads up and for recovering and preserving another piece of C64 history. Go check it out!

Contributions: Peter Weighill, Craig Golab, Moloch

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Update history

22/06/15 – Game fully found thanks to Moloch!

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