Hard Drivin’ V2


Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

As the C64GS was in full flow, companies started to put their support into the machine by listing various titles they planned to have ported for the cartridge format.

Domark was one such publisher, and they were also planning an update of the dismal Hard Drivin’ on cartridge… taking advantage of the loading speeds which would be available.

It is not known exactly if the game would have been recoded, but it would have needed something quite drastic to improve on the original. But it is possible to create something better, especially when you look at Battle Command which later came out from Ocean.

GTW knows that Chris West was behind most (if not all) of the mastering of Domark’s cartridges, so questions will be sent along to Chris to hopefully answer soon.

Did anything ever get started, or was this quickly dumped for Race Drivin’ to be given focus?

More research needed…

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