Harris House Software titles

Harris House Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Another combined entry to search for titles which may have been released, but have not yet been preserved. Thanks to Bertrand / Atari Mania, an advert was flagged up from Home Computer Magazine in 1984 with a list of tiles on sale.  These titles were also on sale for the TI-99 and Atari 8-bit computers too:

  • Bible Trivia
  • Bible Questions for Children
  • Commando Raid
  • The Battle of Antietam / Sharpsburg  (Not sure if this is related to the SSI title of the same name)
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Dungeons of Peril

If you know anything more about them, then please do get in touch!

Contributions: Bertrand / Atari Mania

Supporting content

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