Heavy On The Magick

Gargoyle Games

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

An advert was featured in CVG June 86, with it stating that the C64 version would be available soon. Of course, we never did get to see the game, and Tir Na Nog became the only Gargoyle game to be released on the C64.

As some extra trivia, there was a competition ran in issue 55 of CVG for winning a copy of the C64 version of Heavy On The Magick, but we doubt that the winner ever got a C64 copy and maybe got something else instead.

Jon Simcox confirmed in 2017 that he was the programmer on the C64 conversion, and the game was cancelled, as Gargoyle Games decided to focus on arcade games, hence the FTL label was created. The game was actually almost complete, but it seems that the conversion is now long gone.

Without much chance of the partial conversion now being found, it could well soon be a case closed!

Contributions: Peter Weighill, Nic, Jon Simcox

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3 Responses to Heavy On The Magick

  1. A shame the C64 never got this or so many other Gargoyle games – unlike others, they weren’t things that challenged the C64’s hardware so much. I had this on the Spectrum, barely played it until I broke both my wrists and could play little else; came to see the appeal much later.

    • Yeah, a shame they got into the C64 platform so late on. At least we got Lightforce and Shockway Rider (Thundercats if you get sentimental value like I did).

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