Hell For Leather


Status: Full Game, Findability: 5/5

Hell For Leather was a game being developed for Audiogenic by James Macdonald under his Psycodelic Software Developments label.

It was the first game he had ever written, and was done to prove to someone at his local computer club that multiple levels of parallax could be done smoothly. Initially it started off as a single scrolling street scene, and then became a full game.

The game was pretty much completed, but never got released due to someone claiming rights on the game’s name, and then the game was stolen and leaked from a booth at a games convention in London.

So the game never got officially released by Audiogenic, which is a shame – as it is a good piece of work by James which deserves a look to show what he could do given no tight deadlines.

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Contributions: James Macdonald

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Creator speaks

James Macdonald speaks about work on Hell for Leather:

“This was the first thing I ever wrote and was done to prove to someone at my local computer club that multiple levels of parallax could be done smoothly. Initially it was just a demo of a single scrolling street scene, which then became the full game. I’m pretty of this as it had many features that I loved in Arcade machines of the time.

I can’t even remember who originally bought rights to this but it changed hands a couple of times with it never actually being released due to someone claiming rights to the name ‘Hell for Leather’. It was then swiped from a booth at Games Convention in London.”

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