You’ve gotta give any coder credit for producing games on the C64 at such a late stage after its commercial death. Even the most boring to the most exciting deserve credit, this game included.
Unfortunately, it’s not a game which was going to encourage Ocean or Codemasters to come running back to a machine buzzing with life, though it was something for the game hungry C64 users who were making do with some stunning PD demo’s and that was that.
It’s a relatively simple themed game based on the classic Atari Parachute game. Here you have the title screen plane of Blue Max, mixed with some other hi-res graphics to symbolise your man trying to land on a moving boat target at the bottom.
Quite simple, and no increase in difficulty. The same happens time and again. So apart from some nice JCH music and fair graphics (With sprites not too far off from the Atari VCS version :) ), there is nothing to really see.
The actual plan for this game is unknown, its probable that a lot more was planned for this game, including some varying gameplay, even if just a speed increase as levels go past.
More information needed so that GTW can make up a better picture of this incomplete game.
"Helldiver" describes this game preview quite aptly…