I Can Remember

Fisher Price

Status: Full Game, Findability: 2/5

“I Can Remember” is another long lost educational game to add to the GTW archives, and another which we know little about at the moment. It is assumed from the title that it is a kind of memory based game which was being developed and which never was.

Roger Pederson was involved on the game, and was believed to be its developer on a variety of platforms including IBM, Apple II and C64. All his games were first developed on an IBM, and then later ported to Apple II and C64 with relative ease.

It is unknown what happened to this particular game, but the guys from Laxity in 2014 found a full copy of the game and fully preserved it for everyone to play! The game was brought off Ebay by Secret Man.

It means therefore that the game was actually released, but just in very small numbers it seems. So its a case closed for this one and another title saved! Thanks Laxity!

Case closed!

Contributions: Didi, Secret Man

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Update history

27/08/14 – Full game found and preserved thanks to guys at Laxity! Confirming it was actually released. Case closed!

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