Ice Tea

Century Art

Status: Preview, Findability: 5/5

An interesting entry which is worth reporting on. Ice Tea was a great little Ice hockey game released back in the late 90’s and was actually released!

So why do we have a GTW entry on it?… Well, thanks to Martin/Stadium 64 – take a look at the shots page and compare this preview to the final released game. It’s only cosmetic, but things were looking quite different.

Technically this is the very same game, but the later released version improved on things somewhat with its graphics. For posterity, and because of just how different the game looked… we’ve stuck it into the archives.

And the good thing?… There is nothing to search for, so its an open and shut case. Check out the full game at

A big thanks to Martin/Stadium 64 ( for highlighting the differences, and also for the screenshots which we have used. Thanks to Gamebase 64 too for the actual released game shots..

Case closed…

Contributions: Martin/Stadium 64

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