Little Knight Arthur

Pasi Hytonen

Status: Full Game, Findability: 5/5

Thanks to contributor Aki Sivula, we learnt about a recently recovered game by a chap called Pasi Hytonen – who after starting off by developing games for the Oric, before then moving onto the C64.

His first project was a neat platformer called Little Knight Arthur, which was produced in his spare time whilst at high school. The game was developed from between 1985 and 86, and could well have been a commercial release.

Sadly Pasi never released the game to anyone, but he went on to do games such as Uuno Turhapuro muuttaa maalle for Amersoft and Number Bumper.

It wasn’t until November 2015, that Pasi had help preserving the game. The game has now been released in early 2016 for all of you to see for the first time.

It’s a rock hard game, but a lot of fun – and its a shame it never got a full audience back in the day. But the main thing is that it is safe now, and many of you will get the chance to enjoy Pasi’s work.

For the full and excellent story about Pasi’s early work and how the game came about, check out his blog post here and more details about the release here.

Contributions: Aki Sivula, Jukka O. Kauppinen

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Update history

14/01/16 – Full game added! Case closed!

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