A very quick entry for a title which may well have been released, but is yet to be preserved.
The advert describes the game as follows:
“Invest your money in any of the 233 Companies-Commodities and attempt to gain a controlling interest in 16 of Britain’s major companies!”
The other two games in the advert can be found in Gamebase, but it seems this one is very much at large.
Well, it seems that the company may have gone under before the game could be released, and it was eventually sold to Argus Press Software, who put it on their 64 Tape Computing magazine, issue 8 in 1984.
This has been preserved and made available thanks to the efforts of Fierman! So here it is and enjoy! A game that never got released by its original company, but did eventually surface!
Case closed!
Contributions: Peter Weighill, Fierman, Gamebase64
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Game_Londonexchange (zip)
Update history
- 24/07/16 – Added fixed version by GB64 and also the TAP images by Fierman.
- 22/07/16 – Game fully recovered thanks to Fierman!
This game was released on C64 Tape Computing indeed: issue 8. So you this entry is not a GTW for sure :)
A nice extra though: there is one other game on the tape which was unknown in its c64 form so far too: ‘Clear Round’, which was also done for the VIC-20.
I will work on dumping the programmes the coming days.
quick photo of the cassette case:
Hi Fierman, that is great news and thank you for confirming! That will be great to see fully preserved and close the case for this one! :)
Yes, I remember “Clear Round” also as a fun, equestrian themed game. Thanks fierman for bringing back some cool memories with the cassette tape image too :)
You’re very welcome! Something I have found on the GB64.com site is a listing of titles found on “Argus Press Software (APS)/64 Tape Computing”. “Brighton Beach” is listed, but alas not “London Exchange”.
I would say I’m 100% sure that London Exchange was on 64 Tape Computing, but I guess the search continues :)
Here’s the link to the GB64.com page here :)
Ah, so it does indeed seem that Argus Press did some kind of deal to buy the games from Ashley Software!
Indeed it does. Thanks fgasking!
Not sure if this helps much, but I do remember a game called, “London Exchange” on an issue of 64 Tape Computing back in 1983. From what I can remember, it was a text-only game and unfortunately had a bug that would cause the game to crash at the most annoying times (strangely enough that happened a lot in the 80’s). I wouldn’t mind playing it again if it could be found :)
Thanks Mr Wimpy! Must be about 1984/1985, as the first 64 Tape Computing was 1984 from the looks of things. Does anyone have any C64 tape computing issues they can check?