An awesome little sequel to Lost Robot, which was released on a German disk magazine back in the early 90’s. Lost Robot 2 aimed to push things much further with a rather nifty little game. The game is a sideways scrolling shooter with some truly awesome hi-res graphics throughout. This is a real colour explosion of a game.
Unfortunately it is just a preview, as the game was never completed. The game was coded in assembler using just an Action Replay machine code monitor. Just the one level is playable, though graphics for the second level is also included with the download.
It is a huge shame that this game never quite made it – it is one of the rare previews which has huge promise and one that will be sorely missed. At the very least, Sven has been very kind enough to put up all of his work out.
Sven also confirmed to GTW64 in 2013 that the game only got this far and was abandoned as he decided to move onto other platforms.
We can enjoy what little work has been done and think about what might have been… Case closed!
Contributions: Andreas Wirooks, Charles Haley
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Preview_Lostrobot2.zip (zip)
Update history
16/12/13 – Coder confirms game was never completed and this was it.