Milk Tray Game

Superior Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Also known as: And all because

Don’t laugh, but there was infact going to be a licenced game based on the Milk Tray adverts!

It’s true, and none other than C64 Audio legend, Chris Abbott, was to be behind this game, musically at least!

At the time of first writing about the game, nothing was really known about the game itself at all… though Chris confirms that nothing was ever started with the game. The game never got past the licence agreement, and so it was cancelled early into its conception.

Retro Gamer 79 confirms the game as being planned by Superior Software (Who Chris worked for briefly) and it was actually better known as “And all because”. Reasons for scrapping were also confirmed.

Then Retro Gamer 116 had an interview with Martin Edmondson, who confirmed that he worked on the BBC micro version. He states that the game got quite a long way through before it was discovered that Superior Soft didn’t actually have an agreement in place with Cadbury. So the name got pulled first, but there were already a lot of cues inside the game which were tailored specifically to the advert which Milk Tray were running.

Ross Sillifant then found a snippet in CVG 74 in 1987, which talked about the game and gave some more details. Apparently the game was to focus on the key action parts from the adverts and carry out crazy stunts to deliver a box of chocolates. The game was to consist of 5 levels, including actions such as skiing, bike riding, powerboats etc. The final level would feature the man in black delivering the chocs to the lady waiting. It was meant to be released in January 1988, but never was sadly.

Apart from this, there is nothing more to say on this game. Case closed for now…

Contributions: Chris Abbott, Ross Sillifant

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Update history

04/05/17 – Fix to credits

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4 Responses to Milk Tray Game

  1. :-) Your welcome.You do mix of shifts (days/nights) and you’ll find your bodyclock does’nt want you doing much more than a spot of research for the community.LOL.

  2. Nothing more to say? bit early for Panto season, but…

    Oooohhhh yes there is……

    Try C+VG issue 74, page 12, it’s covered there.

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