

Status: Preview, Findability: 2/5


Developed way back in 1996, Misfire was to be a neat two player split screen battle in the style of Solar Jetman/Thrust, where you must fly around a map to find each other and destroy each other.

The preview released back then is very solid, with a title screen and various options and a few maps to play on. It’s playable to a degree, though only if you have two players at this stage. It is unknown whether a computer player would have been considered in the end.

The game itself has a note to any potential publishers who might have been interested, suggesting the game could have been earlier than 1996 (maybe this was just the time of the crack release). Sadly it seems no-one took them up.

With credits known, it is hoped we will learn more soon about this game and if it ever got any further than this preview.

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