Monster Maths and Fun To Learn


Status: Full Game, Findability: 1/5

Monster Maths was a title to be released on the Commodore 64 by a company called Shards in 1985, and was reviewed in Your Commodore Magazine issue 08, receiving a reasonable score overall.

It seems that either the company went bust before its release, or not many copies sold. The game did see release on the BBC Micro and Dragon 32, so what happened to the C64 edition?

Well, thanks to Codetapper, it has been confirmed the game was released and has provided a photo of the released game, along with another game they did called Fun To Learn.

In July 2019, Codetapper managed to get a tidied up version of Fun To Learn provided to GTW to add to the archives. It is hoped that Monster Maths will follow in the future. Now you can at least play one of the games from the series.

Contributions: Sean O'Neill, Codetapper

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Update history

  • 30/07/19 – Fun to Learn added to the archive.
  • 30/12/17 – Confirmation that game was released.
Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments
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2 Responses to Monster Maths and Fun To Learn

  1. I have the original cassette along with another one called “Fun to Learn” from the same series. I will try and work out a way to get the image preserved (assuming the tape has survived) but i can supply scans of the tape and case in any case.

    • Thanks very much Codetapper! Just received them and i’ll add the scans now! Thanks also for trying to preserve the game!

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