Necromancer 2

Carl Muller

Status: Preview, Findability: 3/5

Necromancer 2 is a strange game which is a clone of Ultimate’s classic 3D games, such as Knightlore and Alien 8. What is mostly strange about this game, is that it also runs on a Vic 20 too.. this got me really, though I couldn’t get it working.

It’s not quite in the same league as the Ultimate games, though it seems Carl was emulating their technique, and did a rather good job too.

The game simply involves you to collect 3 objects and take them to a special treasure room. The rooms are rather small in size too compared to other isometric 3D games, which may be down to the fact that the game is for Vic 20 too, though Carl mentions that the game may need to be decompressed first to play properly.

Not much else is known about the game, so hopefully Carl will shed some more light in the near future.

A great little bit of code, sadly never released.

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Update history

11/03/23 – Tidy up of the page

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