Nedime – The Caliph’s Daughter


Status: Preview, Findability: 2/5

Also known as: Nedime - Die Tochter des Kalifen


The next entry in the archives is thanks to Hedning, who found some graphics whilst preserving some disks from a German adventure game by the scener “Schweinepocke”.

It seems that only graphics have been done or at least have survived through two graphics demos that have been released showing title and in-game graphics. There is no playable version as of yet. We’ve also added a bunch of screens thanks to Baracuda as well.

Did it get any further than just some graphic mock ups? Can you help us find Schweinepocke and help learn more about this title?

Early days, so please get in touch if you know anything more about this title.

Contributions: Hedning, Baracuda

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