New York Crisis was to be sold by Alphavite Publications in the form of the Commodore Disk User game disk series.
Unfortunately it seems that the company went bust just before the game packs could be released, owing money to the developers it seems who submitted their games. Were any packs sold?
Jason Daniels was the creator of New York Crisis and got in touch with GTW with plenty of information and also scans.
Unfortunately Jason no longer has anything of the game itself, but did have documentation and other various bits. We add what we can here for you to check out. Above you can find the documentation PDF to check out, but here are some maps as well of the game:
The game document does a great job of explaining how to complete the game, and was a guide really for anyone who needed to review/explain the game.
It could be very difficult trying to find anything more of this one, but we hold out hope and will be trying to track a few people down from some software companies to check if by very limited chance they may have a copy.
Jason Daniels speaks about work on New York Crisis...
"Whilst browsing through your site I noticed you had an entry for the CDU Games Disks, the ones sold by mail-order rather than the cover-disks. Disk 3 had a game called "New York Crisis" which I designed and coded myself (this was not a Pagoda Software game). I really thought that game had disappeared off the face of the Earth as I no longer have a copy of it myself. Unfortunately the only material I have left for that game is notes, diagrams and algorithms (it seems I never bothered printing out the coding, damn!).
I do also have a full copy of the instructions which gives a pretty good idea of how the game plays. I also still have the correspondence between myself and CDU including the County Court summons against them as they never payed me for the game! If you would be interested in any of this material I would be happy to send you scans of it. Also I would be very happy if the actual game was to surface as I would love a copy myself. It would be a shame if this game had ceased to exist!"
Later Jason came back with the following:
"As promised I have scanned the pertinent material for "New York Crisis" - the instructions and level maps. The four level maps are my original pencil drawings (but they actually don't look too bad!).
As far as copies of the game are concerned, I still have correspondence from a couple of software houses I tried selling the game to so if you have contact with people from these companies then, who knows, perhaps they may have disks still kicking around (unlikely, I know): Paul Eves at CDU (Alphavite Publications), Rob Henderson at The Sales Curve and Barry Simpson at Hewson. There were no doubt more but I can't remember who they were and I don't have any other correspondence.
A couple of points about this material - page 8 of the instructions was not originally part of the instructions as it is the solution to getting through each level in the game. The 5 large squares at the left hand side of each level map are supposed to represent the missile silos, the topmost level (level 1) actually shows the tips of the ICBM's. The patterns of arrows on each of the level maps shows the patrol path that each security robot takes (these arrows would obviously not actually be shown on-screen)."
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