Ninja Grannies


Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

A rather interestingly named game, Ninja Grannies was first heard about thanks to an entry on the World Of Spectrum and its own particular entry.

The game was to be a multi-loader, multi-level pensioner fighting game. According to the developer, it was developed in parallel on the CPC and ZX Spectrum and a C64 version was also being done.

The game was primarily intended for release by Alternative Software, though the game was rejected and also by other publishers too. Thankfully the CPC and Spectrum versions have since surfaced and are available to play in their final form.

But what of the C64 edition? Well, Dean Hickingbottom confirmed that it never really got started, and an artist (whose name cannot be recalled) drew up some sprites and backgrounds which were not quite up to scratch.

When a publisher couldn’t be found, the C64 game was scrapped. Had it been started, David Bradley would likely have been the developer. As for the artwork – nothing has been found as of yet, and its likely that it could be lost for good.

Contributions: World Of Spectrum, Peter Weighill, Dean Hickingbottom

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Update history

23/05/23 – Details about the game added and date correction.

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