Nuclear Sub Command

VMC Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Nuclear Sub Command was being sold as a “Realistic Nuclear Attack Sub Simulation” in a 1992 issue of RUN magazine from the US. The game was sold on disk, but it seems that this is one that either didn’t sell that well or never got fully released.

The game was not a standalone title, but required users to have GEOS 1.3 or 2.0 to run the game.

At present nothing of the game seems to have been preserved, so we are not sure if this is game that never got fully released or if it is just not backed up yet.

Lost Media Wiki added an entry to the game based on our entry here, and a contributor called Misca had the following to say:

“I was super intrigued by this and did some digging. I started by looking into VMC Software, which eventually led me to a phone number and a name: Mike Hense. From there, I found multiple posts by Mr. Hense on several 3d game design and submarine sim forums, where he was extremely active from the late nineties up until his passing in 2015. In his posts, he chronicled the ongoing development of his dream submarine simulator; a post from 2002 mentioned that he’d been working on this project for more than a decade, which brings us to 1992, when the ads for Nuclear Sub Command were running.

All in all, I’m assuming that Nuclear Sub Command was indeed real, but it’s unclear if any copies were ever sold. However, since it was an ongoing project, you can find videos and screenshots from various stages of the sim’s development on the aforementioned forums, where Mr. Hense posted under his real name and the handle “Red October”.

Members of the forums where he contributed were very upset about Mr. Hense’s passing; he appears to have been a long-standing and beloved member of the 3D game design community, always ready to share his knowledge to help others. RIP.”

Sadly it means we won’t get to learn about the game from the creator, but there is still hope that someone purchased and was sent a copy of the game. If you are that person, please do get in touch!

Contributions: Peter Weighill, Misca, LiqMatrix, Lost Media Wiki

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Update history

07/04/22 – Details about the game’s author added.

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