Number Jotto

Sim Computer Products

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Our next title is a strategy game which can allow for up to 4 players in total.

Number Jotto is described as follows:

“Deduction, logic and patience are the skills you must master to win the game. The object is to discover your secret jotto number using the least number of tries. Each move is your probe that the computer must respond to with two hints. Think carefully, examine your guess chart on the screen, eliminate and choose wisely. Your opponent may show no mercy. NUMBER JOTTO is an ideal strategy game for the entire family, and may be played with up to four people.”

The game was never to surface, and if it has – then it unfortunately hasn’t been preserved just yet. There is also a Vic 20 version which is yet to be found, and it would be great if the C64 and Vic 20 versions could be preserved. Can you help at all?

Contributions: Peter Weighill

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