

Status: Preview, Findability: 4/5

An exclusive look at another Cosmos Designs title you may not have heard about before. This is another fantastic looking Cosmos Designs game which has sadly never seen the light of day.

We didn’t know much about the game, but it seemed very similar to Zamzara/Hawkeye, and featured a very similar kind of graphical scenario and status bar. The game was almost completed, but sadly never released due to troubles with publishers in 1993.

Some guys on the C64 scene managed to find the old disks and get as much together as possible for Bernd. This mean’t possibly Bernd could finish off the game quickly and release it.

After many years of sitting within the GTW archives – the game has finally been finished off and has been released by Psytronik and Protovision:

Thanks to the organisation of our very own David Simmons over a number of years, you can now purchase as a digital download or a boxed physical release. Here is what Protovision has to say about the game:

“In the tradition of “Hawkeye”, you are steering a figure through a number of platform levels. In a shop you can obtain different weapons. Outrage inspires through colorful graphics and great design.

Outrage was produced by Cosmos Designs for the Boeder Talent Competition in cooperation with the 64’er magazine a long time ago. However, it was not released back then. We in Protovision bought the rights to distribute the game from Bernd Buchegger, who supplied us with the remnants of the game – of course without source codes and with a few bugs and glitches we’d liked to get fixed before a release. However, we were lacking the resources to work on this game, so we were looking for help. Psytronik came along and showed interest in finalizing and distributing the game, but they, too, were facing the same problems as we did. Thanks to everyone involved in this project, we can finally announce that Outrage has been completed!”

A fantastic outcome for once for a game in the archives, and one where we are pleased to say … “Case closed!” :-)

Contributions: Arnold Blueml, IaN CooG, Niels, Bago Zonde

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Update history

14/12/2020 – Game released and case closed!!

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 7 Comments
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7 Responses to Outrage

    • Thanks Bernd, we’d updated the page back in December last year to reflect this and it has been fantastic to see the game finished and released. Thank you for making it happen! :)

  1. Well it looks like Outrage is coming soon to the C64.
    Protovision64 has updated the game status to ‘Almost complete’.

  2. Let’s all hope that this game could be finished and finally published. Looks really great and the preview also plays good!

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