

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Peace was a war based simulation game being produced in Italy back in 1984. It was flagged up to us by Fabrizio Bartoloni after a YouTube clip from an 1984 TV show Orecchiocchio was uploaded with a clip from the game (which you can see below).

The developers spoke on the show and then proceeded to demonstrate their game. The developers are known as Luca Milani, Marco Corciulo, Giulio Sala and Ostir Lido (?). We are unsure at present of the order of those credits and who did what.

The game itself looked very promising for a 1984 title, and had some good sounds and graphics throughout. We are guessing that they were trying to find a publisher for the game – but it seems for reasons unknown it never got one.

The game looked pretty much complete on the TV show, but we do not know for certain if they demonstrated a finished game. What happened to it though? Can it be saved from obscurity?

It is hoped that we may find and track down the developers who may still have it. It’s early days yet.

Contributions: Fabrizio Bartoloni

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3 Responses to Peace

  1. Hi, We are Luca Milani and Marco Corciulo!
    We are still alive! ;-))

    The game was coded by us including sound and graphics,
    Giulio Sala was a valid collaborator for the marketing of the game.
    Ostia Lido was the city near Rome (Italy) where we lived at that time.

    We don’t know if we will be able to find a valid copy of this game that gave us so much satisfaction at the time, and continues to give us even now.
    We will try to look for it and share it with anyone who would like to have a copy.

    See you soon and thank you for the comments!

    • Hi Luca, thank you very much for getting in touch. It would be amazing if something of Peace could be found, and we’d be happy to help preserve anything, or put you in touch with someone nearer by in Italy.

      Was the game finished just out of interest?

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