Pet Rescue

Cory Kin

Status: Preview, Findability: 1/5

Another early game development from Cory Kin. This was a rescue job in itself, as the disks which Pet Rescue was stored on were heavily deterioating. We only just managed to salvage the source code from this abandoned game – which Cory has no recollection about.

Compiling up the sources have revealed just a title screen at this stage, not really giving anything away about the game.

Cory had spent some time modifying one of his block editors to create the Pet Rescue Designer tool, of which there were some sample graphics. This gives a little more clues about the game, showing what looks like a sort of scrolling platformer game… maybe like Super Mario Bros. No sprites unfortunately though. The score panel includes the name “Eric”, so was this the main character in the game?

Although we have compiled the title screen – if you look at the corrupted screenshot – you can see that the sample graphics should be slotted in and scrolling as well. However, we don’t think Cory got to that stage of integrating the graphics. Maybe someone would be up for doing this for us sometime?

Ignore the Ocean credit, as this was likely just a filler for the eventual company that Cory hoped to sell the game to. However, how come the game was cancelled so early on? What was it going to be like as well?

We hope that the compiled title screen and graphics will jog Cory’s memories a little and therefore will find out more soon about this title. Is there another disk waiting to be discovered with a playable game? We shall see…

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