Following on from the news about Project Argus, also comes Psykozone… The additional lost title from Alf Yngve which was planned for release back in 1994 by Psytronik Software.
Again, as with Project Argus, Psykozone was unreleased due to Psytronik closing its doors due to poor support. Again this is a SEUCK title, which was Alf’s speciality. Even if you dislike SEUCK titles, its hard not to like Alf’s efforts which are undoubtfully some of the best the tool has ever seen.
This time, Jason Kelk was to be enhancing this title, and trying to cram a Feekzoid digi tune into the actual game. Other work was completed such as a loading screen and a logo for the game.
The game features a motorbike which travels up the high way through busy streets, avoiding crazy drivers and the like. The game was previewed in Commodore Format back in the days of the Game Explosion in 1994.
Now in 2008, Jason Mackenzie and Jason Kelk have both collaborated and dug out all the remains of Psykozone to allow Richard Bayliss to do a full enhancement of the game. Richard has enhanced the game in a similiar style to Jason Kelk who did the previous SEUD compilation, so the game is a very accurate representation of what might have been back in 1994 and a bit later (as Jason’s work was more into the late 90’s with 4Mat chipping in with some tunes). Even the intro screen has a respecting nod towards the SEUD compliation intro. Richard overall has done an awesome job! Also iAN CooG has kindly helped with some enhancement work including the 2 player option. Many thanks!
As an additional bonus, Jason Mackenzie has dug out some unseen artwork which would have been used on the cover art (In the scans section), and we have produced special disk labels and inlays which can be printed off if you wish (Included in the download archive). There is rumours of a special tape version surfacing, but you’ll have to wait and see on this!
Also there is an exclusive 4Mat tune which has never been heard before. 4Mat composed a Streethawk cover tune for the game, which Jason Kelk also dug out and has now been installed.
Before I finish, a quick thanks to Jason Mackenzie for the screenshots and other bits and pieces. You can read the full history of Psytronik and details about Psykozone at http://www.binaryzone.org/psytronik.php
Finally the game itself is a typically classy Alf Yngve SEUCK effort which has elements of Spy Hunter about it. It’s a nice little game and one which would no doubt have been welcomed back in 1994, but its here now after a 14 year wait. Check it out and enjoy the Psytronik title that never was!…
Alf’s lost gem here at last!…
Contributions: Jason Mackenzie, Jason Kelk, Alf Yngve, Richard Bayliss, Andrew Fisher