David Green is probably more well known for his music that he composed for the likes of Boing and also Reckless Rufus for Mike "Kernal" Berry. But it seems that David also did a bit of coding too, and so Pulse became a bit of a surprise entry for GTW when Mike mailed us a copy of the game.
Think "Citadel" mixed with "Tom Thumb" from the Oink game, and you pretty much sum up Pulse, which is a great little puzzler. Unfortunately though you will only get challenged for about 2 levels, as the game is incomplete. Although the titles, music and game mechanics all seem to be here, the only thing really missing are levels. Once you get past level 2, things become increasing sparse and then eventually you’ll get stuck on a later level which has no exit.
However, some may not ever get off level 1, as it is rock hard!…. Certainly i’m sure that the game had it been finished would have had its difficulty levels tweaked slightly, and the high difficultly level is a result of the game being unfinished.
We’re not sure exactly why the game never got completed or released by anyone, but we assume that David tried to find someone to publish the game but didn’t have any luck. Possibly David (or Mike) will confirm in the future about what happened to this game. But overall this seems to be it, no more to find of this one!
Thanks to Slator for the tidyups made in the additional copy of the preview which we’ve also added!
Enjoy this great little preview, and hopefully we’ll find out more about the game itself soon!
Contributions: Mike (Kernal Berry, Slator