
Melbourne House

Status: Preview, Findability: 2/5

Our next entry has very little in the way of clues, apart from this loading screen created by Lizard for Tim Rogers and Darrin Stubbington. We believe the screen was released on Compunet at some point, and was found lurking on Cory Kin’s disks.

The loading screen depicts a castle on a hill, with a path leading to it. There is no clue to any company on the screen, just the names of those involved.

We asked Darrin Stubbington regarding the picture, and he couldn’t quite recall what the game was about. All he could remember that it was for Melbourne House. In the end, Darrin suggested that this game may have turned into Throne of Fire. However, we’re not entirely certain of this – as there have been no clues in the press to Mike Singleton’s game being called anything different.

One possibility is that Questerious was a similar game which Darrin and Tim were working on, but with Mike’s game coming along – they decided to ditch the similar game, and as compensation – get Tim and Darrin to do the C64 conversion of Throne of Fire. Pure speculation of course!

Well, Tim pretty much confirmed to us that this was to be an original game – but before they could get into the work, things switched over to Throne of Fire for Melbourne House. He believes that nothing was really started, and it was only really at the planning stage before it was cancelled. The screen is possibly all that may exist! If Tim does by chance find something some day, we shall hear about it I’m sure!

Contributions: Tim Rogers, Darrin Stubbington

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Update history

  • 14/07/21 – Added links and tidied up spelling.
  • 06/02/14 – Added some notes from Tim Rogers
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