

Status: No Download, Findability: 4/5

Jullian Gollup’s classic budget tactical combat was very well recieved. The budget game was an improved re-release of Rebelstar Raiders and pleased pretty much everyone at the time. It was pretty much Spectrum/Amstrad only and C64 users sadly didn’t get a conversion.

But hold on… Danish magazine Soft in February 1987 then go along and publish an advert for Firebird releases, which includes a C64 based inlay for Rebelstar! The game was being sold along with other Firebird releases like Thrust and Harvey Headbanger from Super Soft, a game importing company from Denmark. The price was 39,95 DKR, which equalled around £3 at that time.

After some investigation we couldn’t find any leads to back this scan up, but then GTW by chance got chatting to Dave (Ubik) Korn and asked him about any games he worked on that never saw the light of day. Dave mentioned he worked on a C64 conversion of a popular Jullian Gollup game for the budget label that got canned fairly early on for reasons currently unknown. An ACE magazine review in issue 3 also confirmed a C64 version in its release list (see scans)

But in 2015, Dave confirmed that it was infact the sequel that he was involved in – so we still know very little now about who was behind the first game. Do you know anything more?

Contributions: Anders, Dave Korn

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Update history

13/01/15 – Dave Korn confirms that he did Rebelstar 2, and not the first game.

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