
Electric Dreams

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Scooter was one of a few titles advertised by Electric Dreams back in issue 8 of Zzap 64 games. Nuclear Nick was to be part of a double pack with a game called Scooter.

It never quite surfaced, but after a bit of digging – we find that the game was released by Americana Software on the Atari

The game looks very much like The Scrolls of Abadon, which was released on the C64 by Americana. This suggests that Frank Cohen was the developer. Thanks to Paul Morrison, we learn that it was also advertised as being released for the C64 by Americana software as well in Zzap issue 10 (see scans).

Both Americana and Electric Dreams have the same address, suggesting that they hastily renamed the label to Americana – perhaps because the Electric Dreams label had already been taken by Activision?

Art Huff confirmed he had no involvement in the game. Early days, but at least we can play something of the game on the Atari for now. Surely the C64 edition must have been started, and even finished? So why not released?

Ron Rosen got in touch in December 2022, and we checked if he knew anything about the game. Firstly he confirmed that it wasn’t his, so it seems likely that Frank did the C64 version too.

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Contributions: Brendan Phoenix, Art Huff, Paul Morrison

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Update history

  • 19/12/22 – Credit confirmations from Ron Rosen.
  • 09/09/19 – Added scan and bit of extra info.
Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Scooter

    • Thanks Paul! Added the scan :)

      So it seems it must exist somewhere. Odd that it never made it out, along with a few others by the same authors.

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