

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

‘Life on Planet Srexis is threatened!’ so starts the blurb describing the OIC Ltd game Sixers. The game is a grid based puzzle game but little more is known, simply because it is not known if the game was ever released, on any platform.

OIC Ltd seemed to have primarily released games on the BBC Electron and Micro, but today the games are ridiculously hard to track down and BBC collectors are still finding OIC games for their collection even now.

On the BBC site there isn’t even an entry for Sixers. As such any hope of finding games on the 8-bit platforms seems even more remote, despite Sixers being planned for release on the C64 and the Spectrum.

Because it appears that OIC did not manage to release a single game on either the Spectrum or the C64 there isn’t really much to go on here, even with regards to a possible programmer for the game.

Perhaps if we find someone who worked at OIC they can clear up some of the details, regarding both Sixers and the minimal output on all platforms, until then however I feel that the game will remain MIA.

More soon we hope!…

Contributions: Peter Weighill

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