Source Of Light is a promising Uridium clone demo by Christoph
Demper, who was only around 14yrs old at the time when he developed this game.
Christoph had this to say about his game…"This was the first
try and machine code experiment for an unplayable Uridium clone – more a sort of technology study with sound-fx, grafix etc. done by me (when I was 14 or so…)"
The demo is playable enough to be able to control the main ship, which doesn’t move quite as fluidly as Uridium (but then what does?). The general concept was there, and you can shoot a few aliens… but thats it.
Interest seems to have been lost in the game, and no doubt in
1988 there had already been a huge flood of Uridium clones.
Maybe Christoph already realised at this point that there would be little point trying to create a game which was already on the
market in several hundred forms. It however was a good exercise of coding for Christoph, and no doubt he took a lot from it.
Of course, we will hopefully speak to Christoph more about his game soon, and he can explain in more detail about its development.
This seems to be as far as the game ever got, with a intro
picture and some title screen demos. Nothing else will likely
exist of the game, unless Christoph has some long lost sprites/level graphics which were unused etc. In a sense, the game is found before the search even begins. Now its a case of actually speaking to Christoph to learn more about his game…
More soon on this one we hope …