Space Tracker was mentioned very early on Issue 9 of Zine 64, defined as follows:
"In this Elite style game – you must interact with other characters, fight and deal with them to be successful… Could be very promising!"
As with most games detailed at this time, they mostly were vapourware – but in the case of Space Tracker – the game was fairly well advanced and a preview managed to sneak out – which you can download from here. The game isn’t very Elite like, but more like Ultima in space.
The developers state at the start of the preview that the game is actually quite old, and they have just produced the demo to show what is coming up. A lot more was promised, and we guess that Elite styled space battles would be part of the game.
Of course, the reason why the game is reviewed here is because it never quite got finished. We don’t know just how much further it progressed from this preview, but with credits listed – we hope to find out soon!
Do you know anything about this conversion?