Stainless Steel


Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A short entry for now, as we are not 100% certain if a Commodore 64 conversion was ever on the cards.

Stainless Steel was an arcade adventure game split into around four sections overall. You would start out on foot, then later progress onto driving around in your car, then going under water – before a final on foot event. You can checkout a walk through of the ZX Spectrum edition at

The game was only ever listed as being developed for the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC, of which it was released for those platforms. No C64 version was ever mentioned from what we can see, hence its not been in the archive.

However, contributor @Arcachnar found a German review of the game, which lists the C64 as a platform. The review itself never mentions the C64 directly, and they only test the CPC/Spectrum version. Were they perhaps told that a C64 version was coming soon? Or was it merely a printing error?

We’ve included a page for now, whilst we try and get some kind of confirmation if a conversion was ever in consideration or not. It is entirely plausible, as Mikro-Gen did release games on the C64 and often saw conversions of their ZX Spectrum titles, like the Wally week series. Maybe this got caught up in the demise of Mikro-Gen in 1987?

Do you know anything more about a potential conversion?

Contributions: EAD, (for advert scan)

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