Star Fighter

Absolute Entertainment

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Star Fighter was listed in a Triton Mail Order catalogue for the C64 and listed as a Cinematic Action in Space title with movie like effects. Solid 3D graphics were also stated, but there seems to be nothing of the game anywhere and nothing online. Maybe i’m crap at searching again? :)

We may need to contact Garry Kitchen himself to find out about the title and what happened. Seems very intriguing, and makes us wonder how good the solid 3D was on the C64!

Well, GTW64 recalled a conversation with Garry back in 2008, where he shed some light…

“I also worked on a space flight game for the C64 (always loved Star Raiders on the Atari 400/800) which ended up going over to the NES. In fact, the base code engine became Battletank, a 1st person tank simulation that became a good seller for me on the NES.”

We hope to find out a little bit more, but if you take a look at the NES Battletank game, you will see some reminants of the original C64 development somewhere.

In June 2017, William Hunter from The Dot Eaters kindly provided a hi-res scan of the game’s advert.

Can anything of this early space game be found?… More from Garry soon we hope!

Contributions: William Hunter, The Dot Eaters (

Supporting content

Creator speaks

Garry Kitchen recalls about his Star Fighter game:

“I also worked on a space flight game for the C64 (always loved Star Raiders on the Atari 400/800) which ended up going over to the NES. In fact, the base code engine became Battletank, a 1st person tank simulation that became a good seller for me on the NES.”

Update history

29/06/17 – Advert scan added thanks to William Hunter, The Dot Eaters

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4 Responses to Star Fighter

  1. Hey, I came across a full page ad for this in an old amiga mag. Would you like a scan of it? There are no screenshots but it has a cool logo :) .

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