The craze was almost too much when Tamagotchi cyber pets made their debut in the market during the late 1990s. The Japanese craze almost took over the world, or at least large numbers of UK children – who probably neglected their real pets to look after their virtual ones!
Although Bandai are listed, I can’t see them having anything to do with this likely unofficial conversion that was done back in 1998.
This is quite an accurate representation of the little handheld game, right down to the pixel based display. We believe that all the functions are there, though not all fully working. You can feed, play, kill and do other things to your “Pet”. Controls are handled via A, B and C on the keyboard to match the 3 buttons on the device.
Thanks to Gaz Spence, we have learnt that the preview was given away on 64’er magazine’s coverdisk back in 1998, but this is just the same Laxity crack which we have here and which has been in CSDB for years now.
We are unsure if the preview got any further than this or what the plans were exactly. Hopefully some day the developers will get in touch to reveal more about this development.
Contributions: Gaz Spence,
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Preview_Tamagotchi.zip (zip)
Update history
15/12/21 – Complete overhaul of text, probably written by an immature 18yr old self.
According to the entry on CSDb, this appeared on the 64’er disk of 6/1998. One of the very last issues of 64’er I believe and by then the ‘magazine’ was just a disk cellophaned to a backing card. The original disk image might have some more information on the game demo, I don’t know.
Thanks Gaz, great spot – i’ll take a look and see what I can find out to add to the page.
Looks like they just released the Laxity crack on the disk, exactly the same and no extra info. Worth a try though! :)
what are the controls?
It’s a bit glitchy, but once in the game – the A, B and C keys handle the controls in the same clunky was as the original.