Telekommando 2


Status: Preview, Findability: 2/5

This is the start of what seems to be an odd conversion of a title released on Amiga and PC – an icon driven graphic adventure game which was called “Telekommando II – The Return of the Telekommando

Nothing is really present in the preview at all, so it seems this was abandoned very early on. It isn’t clear if this was an official conversion, or something done as a bit of a joke.

Contributor Professor Chaos went through the code, and found that the music was just ripped from a Vibrants demo, but hidden within the code was some music demo from a tune called “ingame_jingle“. Was this perhaps what was intended for the C64 conversion?

The crack intro states that the game was from “Art Department”, who was an advertising company that also did the Amiga and DOS editions of Telekommando 2, but only in German and to advertise German telecom. It seems odd that the C64 icons are in English.

Professor Chaos suggests that the only other Art Department game on the C64 was Karamalz Cup, but I’m not sure if actually they were only behind the Amiga edition of the game. If the team was part of Art Department, then perhaps they were to be involved on Telekommando 2 as well?

There was nothing else found in the game at all – the icons don’t do anything, there was no more graphics, text or anything else. If you know anything  at all about this conversion – please let us know.

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Contributions: Gaz Spence, TRB, Professor Chaos

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Update history

  • 19/02/23 – Tidy up of write up, plus Professor Chaos examines the code and sees what is hidden away.
  • 21/05/16 – Link made to Amiga/DOS game.
Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 7 Comments

7 Responses to Telekommando 2

  1. The music is merely ripped from an old Vibrants demo (c. June 1990):

    Hidden is also some incomplete (i.e. useless) music data from this demo (dated 31.5.1993):

    The crack intro states “from Art Department”. Art Department was an advertising company and indeed released the Amiga and DOS versions of “Telekommando 2” (late 1993). But in German language only. As trb said, it was to advertise German telecom, hence it is a bit strange that the C64 texts “Give”, “Open” etc. are in English. Maybe force of habit or something. Art Department’s only C64 game I know is Karamalz Cup (23.7.1993).

    That’s it really. The icons do nothing else at all. No more graphics, text or anything else, not even unused/hidden in RAM.

    • Thanks Professor Chaos – I wonder if the incomplete music (ingame_jingle) was actually intended for this potential conversion?

      Thank you also for going through the game and for the additional info. I’ll update the page accordingly with credit to yourself.

  2. Judging by the picture “Telecommando” was planned to be a conversion of “Das Telekommando kehrt zurück”. The title translates into something like “The Telecommand returns”. That was an advertising adventure game ordered (and of course published for free) by Deutsche Telekom (German Telecom) for DOS and Amiga in 1993. This game counts as rather good btw.

    There already was the predecessor “Das Telekommando” published in 1992 (DOS and Amiga). That game was not perceived very well and looks different than the second part mentioned above or the picture shown here.

      • For me 1994 seems very unlikely for it to be an official conversion, as the C64 was commercially nearly dead then. Also considering that nothing is known (yet) about any efforts for converting the prequel–at least nothing like that was released–makes it even more unlikely in my eyes that a later game would have been converted officially.

  3. Hi Frank, it needs double checking with NecroPolo, but this game appears to be the one which he composed a number of tunes for as per his production notes under the entry for the SIDS on csdb. Interestingly, it is connected to another GTW call Geister, which NecroPolo also produced tunes for.

    • Cheers Gaz. It seems that the tunes were for a different game of the same name. The description doesn’t match, and the tunes don’t match anything that NecroPolo has done.

      I think what I will do for now is create two separate entries for Telecommando (ZoNE) and Geister quickly, but will later merge this entry if it can be confirmed they are the same.

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