
BA.SE s.n.c

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A very short entry, flagged up to us by Fabrizio Bartoloni. This is for a title called Terragon, which may well have been released, but has yet to be preserved.

This is an Italian title that was being sold by by BA.SE s.n.c and was highlighted recently on Andrea Panchetti’s blog.

The game was described as follows:

“Tactics and strategy among the stars, in a war which, in order not to destroy the earth in a nuclear holocaust, becomes a wild race to expand into space. Become commander of a supership of the future you will have to explore and colonize the space, between dangers of aliens, black holes, ghost planets, magnetic distortions and more; the final result will depend on the intelligence with which you built the on-board computer, as well as your reaction speed and maneuvering skills. From one to four players for a game that combines logical construction and tactical possibilities on a level equal to that of 3-D chess with a high learning facility.”

Hopefully the game can be found some day and crossed off the list for posterity. If you can help find it, please get in touch or with Andrea directly via his blog above.

Contributions: Fabrizio Bartoloni, Andrea Panchetti

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