Our next entry is a title that looks to have sadly been abandoned. The Blob (working title) was slated for release in 2013 and as part of the 16KB Cartridge Development Competition that year – but never surfaced.
The title was brought to our attention by Hedning/Genesis Project, after Hedning had been trying to get hold of developer David Eriksson for the past 5 years without a response. Hopefully David is ok, but it seems that the game is no longer being worked on.
It’s a shame, as it is a lovely metroidvania platformer with some nice graphics throughout. It seems that just the level map really needed finishing overall. Thankfully a preview has been released and you can now check out what remains for yourself.
Hopefully some day David will return to the game and finish it, and we hope to learn more about what happened very soon.
Contributions: Hedning/Genesis Project