The Last Commando


Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Also known as: Comando Tracer

A short entry for a title that may well never have existed at all. This was a budget re-release of a game called Comando Tracer, originally released by Dinamic Software. Here is a page from CPC-Power on the game (who we have borrowed some instruction scans from).

When that version of the game was offered on sale, there was a mention of a “Commodore” release, but nothing ever surfaced.

However, when Summit (Alternative Software sub label) re-released the game as “The Last Commando”, the instructions also included instructions for the Commodore 64 edition. Was this done by mistake? Perhaps Dinamic were working on a conversion that never got finished, but accidentally passed documentation to Alternative stating that there was a C64 version?

Or did Alternative receive masters with a C64 labelled edition, later realising it was incomplete and couldn’t be released?

Many questions which we hope to get some answers to soon.

Contributions: Marco Das,

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