The Reactor

Mirko Weiland

Status: Full Game, Findability: 2/5

Also known as: Der Reaktor

Der Reaktor 2

A short entry for a title that has been recovered in late 2020 by Simon Quernhorst. A title that was found in a disk box with a bunch of old disks.

It seems that The Reactor (Der Reaktor) was a game written and sent to Markt&Technik Verlag for publication on 64’er magazine, but was never published at all. It is plausible that the coder had intended to send the game, but didn’t in the end.

Overall, its a very small game at only 8 blocks, as a lot of mini games were published on 64’er magazine as type-in listings. The disk supplied by Simon contains the note file by the author, which we have removed the address. Also included is the cracked version with translated message.

It’s a neat little game worth checking out, as is any unpreserved C64 title. With thanks to Simon for preserving!

Contributions: Simon Quernhorst

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