When you thought you had seen a load of new Apex bits and pieces, something else turns up!
This is a very early preview of a Sidearms style game, which isn’t really playable apart from moving the main ship on the screen.
This features graphics which look very similiar to those of Retrograde and Cyberdyne Warrior, which suggests that this could have been scrapped in favour of those two games and had materials used from this preview. This was also the suggestion of Steve Rowlands when we asked him about this preview.
Sadly at present, the preview has a main sprite which is corrupted. We had hoped to have the corruption fixed in the near future, so we could actually see what the main sprite would have looked liked.
Otherwise there is some nice graphics and it looks like a typical Apex game. The font used may be familiar to Cyberdyne Warrior fans, and it seems this was later used in that particular game.
There is a weapons selection part at the bottom of the screen in the border, but this is unaccessible and the main ship currently cannot shoot. This whole demo is merely a test for a game concept that got scrapped.
Steve confirms that this would have been a Sidearms clone of sorts, but ideas ran dry at the time and it was cancelled. As stated earlier, remains were used in Retrograde and Cyberdyne Warrior.
Upon hacking into the code, it was found that there are a load of sprites which have been unused in this preview. We will try and extract these soon to show you on the shots page.
Nothing to search for or find, this will soon be a closed case.
Another interesting Apex development…
Contributions: Jason Mackenzie, Steve Rowlands, Andy Roberts, Jason Kelk