Turner Software was the label by Commodore Cracker’s editor Brian Turner. This was his own label where he attempted to inject some new C64 games into the market to save the machine from dying.
Unfortunately the games were just to be SEUCK efforts – but Brian was trying his best by making use of his design/graphical skills. Brian was pretty good with his artwork and layouts, so potentially his SEUCK efforts could have been quite good.
The titles planned for release were:
Danger Dive, Crimefigther and Bunderang.
Here is the article from Commodore Cracker with more details about the games. Did Brian maybe send you a copy of his game?
At present we are not in touch with Brian, but hope to be soon to find out if he still has his games. It would be great to hear from him, so if you’re reading Brian – please get in touch!
Recently we did manage to recover some of Brian’s Danger Dive game, but sadly the background graphics are corrupted. It is a preview showing at least some of the sprites from the game. We hope to find more soon!
More soon on these titles we hope.