
Digital Marketing

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Also known as: Super Twintris

Not to be confused with the game from 2001 with the same name, this particular Twintris was a Digital Marketing game that was due out in 1990. There is a brilliant article about the history of the game by Joachim Froholt over at

Hans Arne Jacobsen got in touch after Joachim Froholt highlighted that in the Amiga manual, there are C64 instructions and credits listed, but the game doesn’t seem to have surfaced at all. The Amiga version did however surface.

Was the game ever released at all and can anything of it be saved? There is nothing of the music in Stefan Hartwig’s HVSC folder, though there are a number of unnamed tunes which could have been intended for the game.

The programmer was the same person who developed Inve$t for Starbyte Software around the same time. If you know anything more – please do get in touch.

Contributions: Joachim Froholt, Hans Arne Jacobsen

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