It is with much regret that I am adding Paul Koller’s VVVVVV into the archives, which seems to have been abandoned now with a final preview released in 2017 that was its last state from back in 2011.
Paul has been producing a number of other fantastic de-makes onto the C64, including titles such as Super Breadbox, but VVVVVV seems to have been permanently parked at the moment due to the release of another conversion that was completed elsewhere. Perhaps they don’t see the need to complete it now the other version has been done instead.
There are a fair few omissions and flaws (which the developer admits to) with the final version that saw release, so there would still be space for Paul’s version to shine. Hopefully some day he may change his mind and go back to the development. For now, check out a glimpse of how close Paul was getting.