

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Thanks to a contributor called Mike, he found within the manual of Spitfire Ace, an advert for a game called Wingman for both the Atari and C64.

The game was released on the Atari at least, and was a split screen two player game. The advert described the game as follows:

“Lead Blue Flight of 2, armed with bombs, cannon or air-to-air missiles in dogfighting loops, bombing and strafing to defend your territory and destroy Red Flight territory. Split Screen, scrolling action with options for solo, head-to-head, or cooperative flying for 1-4 simultaneous players. ATARI, Commodore 64 – Disk or Cassette.”

The game was an early development by the great Sid Meier which was similar in some ways to Wings of Fury by the looks of it. Although advertised for the C64, it seems to be missing off other adverts. So was it accidently listed for the platform, or was it decided to scrap it?

More information needed, but a possible early Sid Meier game to find here!

Contributions: Mike, AtariMania (For scan)

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