A mini battle game, and even though it looks like a type-in game, its quite addictive in its own little way.
It’s somekind of Combat clone, with a larger play area and smaller characters. It’s somehow very playable, just by shooting other tanks as many times as possible.
The only problem is that most of the levels are the same, apart from the night time levels, where there is thunder roaring away quite realistically, adding a new element to this preview.
For a preview, the amount of levels available is quite large, indicating not much more may have been needed. Possibly a new character set and graphics to improve things, and extra’s to collect and add new dimensions to the gameplay.
The game was actually completed it seems, just not properly sold or released. Why was this? Check out the full game for yourself, but we hope to find out more soon!
Dinky characters, nifty little game…
Contributions: Jazzcat
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Game_Woodshoot (zip)
- Preview_Woodshoot.zip (zip)
Update history
30/06/14 – Full game added thanks to Jazzcat