XS was a game being developed by Graham Hunter and Paul Docherty in 1987.
The idea was to be a Defender based game, with a fast side-scrolling shooter where you rescue civilians from sewers and street scenes whilst shooting aliens.
Unfortunately nothing ever properly got started, and after some differences of opinions in the Pulse group – both Graham Hunter and Paul Docherty left to form Radix.
Paul suggests that he isn’t aware of anything being started apart from graphic mock up ideas – so we hope to find Graham Hunter to confirm more.
For now, check out the mockups of the sewer level which were used in a demo by Radix called Peace on Pulse.
Contributions: Jason Kelk, Paul Docherty
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Demo_Peaceonpulse (zip)
Creator speaks
Paul Docherty speaks about work on XS:
“The game never got passed the demoing stage. No actual levels were designed, the opponents were never coded, no collision detection or anything. Just a sketch of an idea. It was an attempt to make something akin to Defender, a fast side-scrolling shooter where you rescue civilians from sewers and street scenes while shooting aliens. There were differences of opinions amongst the Pulse group that lead to myself and Graham Hunter leaving to create Radix. Nothing happened to the project after that – at least not that I’m aware of.
Not much of a story, but then again it wasn’t much of a game :)”