
Richard Thompson

Status: No Download, Findability: 4/5

Yet another SEUCK title which has come from the Zzap article which was ran back in 1992 time to search for good Megatape games.

Richard Thompson’s Zanaton was a neat little space shooter, which got Zzap excited because of the excellent explosions in the game. Apparently they were gorgeous, but they were to be the downfall of the game according to Zzap.

Although looking great and not being that bad, the game suffered from the bullets looking almost identical to the explosions. I’m guessing the bullets exploded after some firing, as the screenshots did not suggest anything like this.

The game was actually called Zanaton and not Zanatron like Zzap reported. Richard felt that the game explosions didn’t make much difference to the game and that it had 3 distinct levels.

Only Richard Thompson will know more, and he is the guy to find in the hope of releasing this long lost title. We are hopeful, but did Richard keep any of his old disks? Well, it seems he did … and Richard is now going through his work disks and tapes to try and recover a bunch of his titles.

May not be long until this one is found!

Contributions: Richard Bayliss, Richard Thompson

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Update history

14/08/14 – Fixed name and added details from coder.

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